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Conferences and Schools

See a map of all the places I've participated in Schools or Conferences!

Course Python for Natural Language Processing: Commemorative edition of ICMC 50th years

September 01, 2021

Curso, ICMC USP - São Carlos, Sao Carlos SP, Brasil

The course is entirely virtual. The aims of this extension course are to briefly introduce the basics of NLP and introduce the essential content of the Python programming language and the specialized packages commonly used in NLP, in particular the NLTK and spaCy packages, as well as some simple applications. In addition, being a commemorative edition of the 50th anniversary of the ICMC, the event counts on its first day with the participation of renowned researchers in the field of NLP, discussing how the area has evolved in the last 50 years and how the ICMC has contributed on this front.

Deep Learning

February 01, 2021

Curso, Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica LNCC/MCTI, Petropolis RJ, Brasil

O objetivo do minicurso é apresentar uma introdução à aprendizagem profunda. São apresentados conceitos básicos da área, técnicas relacionadas ao treinamento e a avaliação de modelos. São também descritas algumas das principais arquiteturas de redes profundas, além de algumas aplicações. São apresentados exemplos de código por meio do framework PyTorch.

Data Analysis

February 01, 2021

Curso, Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica LNCC/MCTI, Petropolis RJ, Brasil

Estudo de técnicas de mineração de dados, i.e., extração de conhecimento a partir de grandes volumes de dados. O processo de extração de conhecimento contempla a análise exploratória de dados, pré-processamento, mineração de padrões frequentes, classificação e agrupamento. O curso é contextualizado com o uso da linguagem R como apoio.

Escola Supercomputador Santos Dumont

January 11, 2021

School, Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica LNCC/MCTI, Petropolis RJ, Brasil

A escola tem como objetivo prover à comunidade de usuários do Sdumont e à comunidade de programação em computação de alto desempenho em geral, minicursos relacionados com programação em computadores de alto desempenho tais como modelos de programação paralela, ferramentas de perfilagem e bibliotecas para o desenvolvimento de algoritmos paralelos otimizados.

XIV Encontro Acadêmico de Modelagem Computacional

January 08, 2021

School, Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica LNCC/MCTI, Petropolis RJ, Brasil

O EAMC é um evento dedicado à Modelagem Computacional, abrangendo os seguintes temas: Computação Científica, Controle e Filtragem de Sistemas Dinâmicos, Modelagem de Biossistemas e Bioinformática, Modelagem de Circulação e Transporte, Modelagem de Equilíbrio e Otimização e, mais recentemente, Ciência de Dados e áreas correlatas, como Inteligência Artificial.

EncBioMat - 3º Encontro de Biomatemática

February 10, 2020

Conference, Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica - UNICAMP, Campinas, Brasil

Presented work: “Análise do padrão de dispersão da doença dos citros (HLB) e de seu vetor

School on Community Ecology: from patterns to principles

January 20, 2020

Curso, ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR), Sao Paulo SP, Brasil

The school consisted of advanced courses on topics in the dynamics and structure of ecological communities, which aimed to introduce students to the updated question of the field, in addition to introducing useful mathematical tools. Particular focus was placed on the emergence of macroecological standards (“laws”) and their connection with fundamental mechanisms.

11th Annual Summer School in Individual- Agent-Based Modeling

July 20, 2017

School, TU Dresden, Holzhau, Germany

The course conveyed skills and knowledge in the analysis and application of individual- and agent-based modeling in the context of scientific problems. Also, the course provided guidance for publishing individual- and agent-based models.

IRCHLB V - International Research Conference on Huanglongbing

March 15, 2017

Conference, Caribe Royale Convention Center, Orlando FL, USA

Presented work: Individual-Based Modeling: Simulating the spatial dispersion of HLB and the effects of epidemic on orchard yield under different scenarios of psyllids migration and sanitary management

School on Pathogen Dynamics, Climate and Global Change

January 12, 2015

School, ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR), Sao Paulo SP, Brazil

The school provided an introduction to the basic underlying mathematical concepts used to study disease dynamics, their connections to climate systems, and the ecology and economics of land-use change. Developed group work during the school: Dynamics of low pathogenic avian influenza in wild ducks under temperature fluctuations.

II Southern-Summer School on Mathematical Biology

January 21, 2013

School, ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR), Sao Paulo SP, Brazil

This school had lectures about Introduction to Population Biology, Spatial models in ecology, Mathematical Models and Control Strategies of Infectious Diseases and advanced topics in population and community ecology and conservation.

6th Interstitutional Undergraduate Studies Conference - CIIC 2012

August 13, 2012

Conference, Embrapa Enviroment, Jaguariuna SP, Brazil

In the conference, I presented the work: Mathematical Model for study of the AIE transmission dynamics with a mutuca vector. Where I received the Futuro Cientista award with this work, due to the merit of my presentation.

CWB 2010 - II Conference of Mathematics and Applications

December 06, 2010

Conference, UFPR (Federal University of Paraná), Curitiba PR, Brazil

Some of the themes were: Optimization and Numerical Analysis, Operational Research, Differential Equations, Quantitative Methods applied to Environmental Issues.